About the project

The path to adulthood involves the transition from parental dependence to self-reliance, autonomous decision making, and reformulation of relationships with parents into equal adult-like ones. While the shift towards self-sufficient functioning takes place simultaneously in multiple life domains, the domain of personal finances can arguably be considered the one in which achievement of self-sufficiency is most challenging: many emerging adults delay financial independence in efforts to manage financial uncertainty, characteristic of this stage. The attainment of financial independence is known to play a major role in the more general process of becoming an adult (Nelson & Luster, 2015). However, the effects of financial dependence on emerging adults’ psychological functioning are somewhat less understood.

The main goal of the LEAF project is to illuminate the conditions under which emerging adults’ dependence on parental financial support may contribute to their positive or negative psychological functioning.

To achieve the main goal this project will apply a developmental Self-Determination Theory (SDT) and implement the first longitudinal study Specifically, this project will build and test empirically a model explaining the mechanisms linking emerging adults’ financial dependence and psychological functioning. Project results will be published in international scientific journals and conferences.


This research is funded by the European Social Fund under the No 09.3.3-LMT-K-712 “Development of Competencies of Scientists, other Researchers and Students through Practical Research Activities” measure

Project number: Nr. 09.3.3-LMT-K-712-19-0214